Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Break Day 9 - Athens - Final Day

Today was the last day of Spring Break. As with the rest of my Spring Break -- nothing really happened. Drove back to Athens which was a major plus plus. Unpacked (well, mostly) and ate with BeMack sans Michelle who wasn't back yet. It was really great to get to finally see everyone again and to share all of our wonderful stories. I really did miss them. For some reason, I thought over the course of 9 days that I had some how changed and that everyone else did as well. I'm glad to see we're all still the same :)

After dinner, I went to Josh's house to hang out with him. Then, we went to Jason's house so Jason could eat. Ended up playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It was fun but I wasn't very good at it. Mind you it was my first time and I wasn't really trying. Josh and I then went back to his place and started romping around. It sounds dirty. And it would have been were we both naked, without the covers and it a certain position. But we weren't. Then he receives the dreaded IM from Dustin and that pretty much takes up the rest of the night. Although he was chatting with Geremy, who seems super cool, and Ben, who introduced me to a new song that I've already downloaded. But, alas, it got very late and I to depart eventually. Good-bye SB08. I probably won't miss you.

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