Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I really haven't been posting lately and that's mostly because nothing has happened. This week has been rather uneventful. I did really well on my French oral presentation. I only got 28/40 points on my Biology exam. I saw Melissa Rouch live and she is effing hilarious. Josh and I hung out quite a bit this week. I went to Blur, the new gay club tonight, and I might go again tomorrow. It was actually kind of fun. It's a little more classy (eh) than Detour. Nothing else too major. Nothing that I remember at least. Only 20 more days until I leave for Valdosta.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend Over

Of course, last night I gave in and went to Josh's place. I got there about 2 30 and we hung out for a little while. I'd say we went to bed around 2 45. I don't think we went to sleep until about 5 30 or 6. I'll let you leave what we did during that time to your imagination.

I borrowed some games from Josh and I have literally done nothing else all day. I haven't left Creswell since I've returned. I had some left over Chick-fil-A so I had that for dinner: 2 chicken sandwiches and 12 nuggets. Yum. :) I really don't know what my friends did for dinner... I told Emily earlier that I probably wasn't going to go to dinner with them so I guess she told them because I haven't heard from any of them all day. I love lazy Sundays. Sucks it's over though.

In other news, the girl has been found. Her name is Selena and apparently she left the room to go do something and when she came back the door was locked (go figure). She said she knocked but no one answered so she just walked back to Payne, her residence hall which happens to be clear across campus (not really but it's pretty far). Oh well. She's alive. Go her.

French Oral Presentation - Tuesday
Biology Test - Friday