Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Practicum - Day 8

Today was my second day working at the front desk. I continued to shadow my supervisor as she checked in people. All workers were also given the task of stuffing key envelopes with coupons so I mostly worked on that during any down time. I also began answering the phone today. I was really nervous at first but I quickly caught on. I didn't know the answer to any of the questions asked but it was still helpful to have someone answer the phones during high traffic times. Also, 20-30 minutes after a guest checks in, the front desk will send out a courtesy call to make sure everything is alright with the room. I was also nervous to do this at first but after the first one or two I got the hang of it.

Today's completed hours: 4
Hours left to complete: 13

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Practicum - Day 7

It's been nearly three weeks since working on my practicum but I started back up today. Today, I began working at the Georgia Center Hotel front desk. I was told that I would not be allowed to do check-ins because it would require too much training for the little time that I would be interning at the Georgia Center. Upon arriving, I did receive a basic training over all of the tasks a student worker. I was taught how to make keys, how to make parking deck passes, and received a very brief training of how to check in a person. For the rest of the time, I shadowed my supervisor and learned more about working at the front desk and about the check in process.

Today's completed hours: 4
Hours left to complete: 17