Friday, March 7, 2008

Spring Break Day 1 - Fayetteville

Today was my last day of class before SB08!! Needless to say, but I will anyways, I am super excited! Nothing really happened last night. A bunch of us just sat around and had a really grand time getting our drink on. It was a lot of fun but I didn't get back until really last so very tired I am. Did laundry, packed, ate and then was on my way to begin SB08 with Emily! Short post because obvs nothing happened today. I drove Emily and her sister Heather to Fayetteville where Emily and I begin our journey. Donna will be joining us tomorrow and I believe we're eating lunch with Carrie before we continue on to stage 2 of our trip -- Valdosta. Since I'm so incredibly tired, I'm going to go watch TV then bed, yo. Happy Spring Break!

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