Saturday, April 5, 2008

Strange Happenings

Probably the biggest Dawgs After Dark we were going to have was canceled last night due to the rain. But no worries, we're going to redo it next semester and it'll be even bigger and better! Since I had nothing else to do last night, I went to my first frat party last night--Delta Sig. It was a lot of fun. It was basically like going to a club but everything, cover and drinks, was free. So many people I know went as well so it was really nice. Sorry for calling you so late last night Josh :(

Last night when I returned, my roommate was gone. Not long after though he brought back a girl and, if you know my roommate, that is something completely bizarre. About 5 minutes after they came in the door she asked for clothes to sleep in - she was obviously staying the night. About 3ish, she went to use the bathroom and he went to brush his teeth. She came back before him and just proceeded to get into his bed. When he came back he did the same and they went to bed and since I had nothing else to do I did the same. I thought they would just cuddle or go to sleep or something... No. She would not stop talking. I don't know how I did it but I finally fell asleep. When I woke up she was just gone. No sign of her. I didn't just dream her being here becuase her stuff is still here: clothes, shoes, cell phone. Jacob doesn't know where she went. She literally disappeared. It is the strangest thing ever... I was frightened when I was left alone because I thought she might jump out and kill me or steal my stuff when I left... So I definitely checked both of the closests for her. If any news on her whereabouts surfaces, it will definitely be posted.

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