Sunday, April 13, 2008

Parking Places

Well, before I get into the important subject matter, I'll talk about my night. I went to Blur last night and it was interesting. I also went Friday night and Friday was probably more fun because there wasn't a crisis. Caleb and I danced some and that was fun. I finally got to see Daniel H. I haven't seen him in ages. Well, I've seen him around but we've never had a chance to talk or hang out. There was some drama last night which made the whole event a little distressing but whatevs. I told person that I wouldn't tell anyone anything so sorry guys.

Anyways, as I was driving back from lunch today I checked the three Creswell parking spots in hopes to get a really good spot. All full. Figures. Assholes. So I hang my head and admit defeat while returning to the parking deck. I turn into the deck and think about how empty it is. The best spot in the whole deck was left open!! What an idiot! You better bet I stole that spot. There are just some things people don't understand about good parking spots. When you get an amazing parking spot you leave it for nothing! I'm pretty sure the person who had that spot before me didn't drive his car for weeks. I remember it being a silver car for a really long time. I hope no one expects me to drive to anything for the rest of the semester. I got the best parking spot at Snelling once and I would have rather walked back to Creswell than leave my parking spot. (But of course I can't do that because I would have gotten a ticket...) Parking spots are rather ironic. When you get an amazing parking spot you really don't even need it because you aren't going to leave it. It's almost as if it's just bragging rights. And now I can finally brag again!

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