Saturday, March 1, 2008

What a Day

Well, since this is my first blog, I suppose I'll start with some inspirational words: "Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten." Thanks Nat for that heartfelt message. (We're on a first name basis just so you know) So, since today is the first of March I figured, "Start of a month, start of a blog." Now let me begin my fairly boring first post since nothing has really happened.

Today, like several other Saturdays this semester, marked the day of another Gym Dogs meet. It was the best and yet the worst all semester. Katie Heenan scored a perfect 10 on the vault! Hell yeah I was excited. Tears almost flowed. Then floor. It was tragic. After seeing Courtney Kupets fall off the beam I sensed something was going to happen. Sure enough--she falls while tumbling and became seriously injured. Doesn't look good for NCAA. Le sadness.

On to a lighter note--boy update: Ryan F. still hasn't said a word but is friends again with Chelsea, so maybe he's getting over himself. Caleb is becoming seemingly more interested. We'll see.

Now I'm going to sit here in my room listening to the annoying sounds of Step Up. I want to bake cookies but not if no one wants to eat them. I guess I'm going to read my Homecoming Committee Court Chair notebook now (sounds important because it is :D). Will definitely update more later if something happens. Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sad I missed that meet! but we will make up for it at the NCAA championship!!!