Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Did Good Things Today

Well, nothing really happened today so I basically hung out at all of the different dining halls. It was fun. I love my friends. I did, in fact, volunteer at the Food Bank last minute. Calley saw me in the hall when we were both searching for our friends who all seemed to disappear at once and she invited me to go with her. It was a lot of fun. Yay for volunteering and doing good deeds. That is my one for the week.

Caleb and I did in fact hang out today. It was very nice. He ate with Kelley, Emily and me and they all seemed to get along quite nicely. We then went to his room and just talked. His roommate was there. He's nice. Kind of awkward. Nothing sexual happened between me and Caleb and I'm not sure if it was because his roommate was there or if he really respected my decision to not do anything else with him. Who knows? I still gave him the condom that was in my pocket. We'll probably use it later.

I must say that I'm very glad more people are reading my blog and commenting :). If Anonymous just so happens to want to eat lunch with me, then I'll be at Snelling tomorrow from 12 to 12 30 eating/reading a book. Same for Friday but at O house. I would very much be interested in meeting said person who happens to read my blog (anonymous). If not, then I'll be forced to assume you're some creeper who just found my blog my mistake and enjoys reading and commenting on it--which is greatly appreciated. :D

SB08 in two days! Oh em gee! Can't wait for Key West with the Ems and Donna. So so so very excited!


Anonymous said...

Condom = naughty.

I eat at O'House on MWF, why don't you ever eat with me?

Anonymous said...

and you hung out with me so add that to your list of doing good things!

Anonymous said...

"I still gave him the condom that was in my pocket. We'll probably use it later."

hahaha! ohhh [bar]Rhett.

i didn't know you volunteered at the food bank! when was that? after snelling tonight? how cool!